Turbo TTE

Ici on parle d'ajouter de la performance !

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Konami Cheat Code
Messages : 24328
Enregistré le : 17 mars 2003 11:59
Localisation : 78 - Jouy en Josas
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Turbo TTE

Message par Dieamond »

Apprenti pilote
Messages : 85
Enregistré le : 27 mai 2003 17:09

Message par magicludo »

Et en français! :lol:
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Konami Cheat Code
Messages : 24328
Enregistré le : 17 mars 2003 11:59
Localisation : 78 - Jouy en Josas
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Message par Dieamond »

7500e en gros

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petit lapin pervers
Messages : 246
Enregistré le : 23 mai 2003 19:40

Message par petit lapin pervers »

et une homologation possible ?
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Konami Cheat Code
Messages : 24328
Enregistré le : 17 mars 2003 11:59
Localisation : 78 - Jouy en Josas
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Message par Dieamond »

en France ?
homologuer une modif de voiture ?
dans le pays ou changer la marque de pneu est "toléré" ?
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Apprenti pilote
Messages : 97
Enregistré le : 17 juin 2003 03:02
Localisation : Cannes

Message par Key »

Ben en principe, tu peux la passer aux mines. En l'occurence, si seul le moteur est affecté, elle doit répondre aux normes de pollution. Et peut-être sera-t-elle homologuée à titre individuel. Mais encore faut-il l'assurer!!!!
Pourvu que ca glisse...
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Konami Cheat Code
Messages : 24328
Enregistré le : 17 mars 2003 11:59
Localisation : 78 - Jouy en Josas
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Message par Dieamond »

Apparement ils modifient les cata en consequence (ce qui doit justifier le prix)

en fait je pense que pour avoir un MR turbo, il faudra en acheter un allemand deja modifie, et profite du fait qu'une voiture roulant en UE peut rouler dans tous les pays de l'UE....
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Apprenti pilote
Messages : 97
Enregistré le : 17 juin 2003 03:02
Localisation : Cannes

Message par Key »

Oui. Si elle est homologue UE. Mais c'est moins sur pour les homologations a titre individuel... Enfin, a creuser en tout cas...
Pourvu que ca glisse...
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Messages : 555
Enregistré le : 13 mai 2003 12:22

Message par Vincent »

Volic e qui c'est dit au JAE

Over the course of the JAE weekend I had two meetings with representatives from TTE. Read the full news item to see what was said...

They were very interested in my turbo, asking many questions over my design choices, and chatting over the way we have both overcome difficulties with certain issues. They were also very keen to forge a relationship with MR2-ROC.

But enough preamble, here is the information that I can share with everyone...

Over the last nine months TTE have been developing a turbo for the MR2 Roadster. The development is now complete to the point that they are completely satisified with the results. It is designed as a retro-fit kit, to be sold by dealers on new or used cars - it is not a factory fit option. The design is targetted at 200bhp (flywheel) and to meet the 2004 emissions regulations. It incorporates an air/air intercooler using an air scoop (if I recall, scooping air from the underside of the right handside of the car and ducted to the intercooler in the left of the engine bay).

Four full prototype kits have been built and fitted, two are based in Köln, and two have been sent over to Toyota development in Japan. The current situation is that it is the prototypes in Germany are going through certification processes, while in Japan, they are re-testing every component in detail to ensure reliability. Toyota's policy is that it is a requirement to offer such a kit with a three-year, 100,000km warranty.

Toyota have not yet made a decision whether this kit, regardless of whether it meets the above certification and reliability tests, will be offered to the public. The TTE representatives hinted that a decision maybe made in November but certainly not to expect to see it this year. They stressed I should not generate any expectations over the availability of this kit.

Also mentioned was the V6 development that they had worked on. While this was giving good results, the cost would have been prohibative to the public, and the work was abandoned.

As well as the turbo development, TTE have been creating a new concept car based on the MR2 chassis. Aptly named (currently) the 'Street Affair II', it is a revision of the original. Other details given where extremely hazy, though I can mention the colour scheme has been coordinated with the Forumla One livery.

Further discussion is on-going, and we'll report back as and when I have more information to share.